2018 in Review and Looking Toward My 2019 Plan for Growth


2018 passed by in a flash! As I reflect upon the last year, there have been so many different opportunities for growth—personally, professionally, and spiritually. As we look to 2019, I am so excited about what the year has in store and how I can use this as another opportunity to grow.

2018 was my first year of blogging, and in such a short time, I was able to experience so many great collaborations and experiences, as well as meet new people and build relationships—all because of my blog and Instagram. It’s amazing what a platform like these can do for networking and new life experiences.


Here are some of my favorite highlights from the past year:

  • Continuing to challenge my creativity with daily fashion posts, working on my home, creating new content, and learning more about photography and photo editing every day! I’m no expert, but I have seen progress in this area.

  • Always spending time with my baby, Cooper!

  • Attending All About the Bag for a second year in a row! This is such a great event. Check out more about it here.

  • Expanding my cooking skills, trying new things, and sharing recipes!

  • Experiencing Blo Blow Dry Bar for the first time in May!

  • Continuing to work in my yard and having my most successful garden to date

  • Sharing all my Cleveland adventures, including Micheal Angelo’s Winery, Sapphire Creek Winery, Sarah’s Vineyard (do we recognize a theme?!), some of my favorite restaurants (including Burntwood Tavern and Stancato’s), Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Szalay’s Farmer’s Market, and Castle Noel! Check out my Cleveland page for reviews of all my monthly adventures!

  • Covering Designer Dress Days—such a fun event! You can find out more about it here.

  • Collaborating with so many great companies this past holiday season, including CLE Pack, Walgreen’s, Hallmark, JustFab, and Fetch & Co!


I generally don’t love New Year’s. It’s still not my favorite—it signals the end of Christmas, time off of work, and the two coldest months (January and February) in Cleveland. I count down the days to spring and grit my teeth to get up and just through my least favorite time of year (yes, I love the seasons and do not always mind winter, but i’m feeling sooooo ready for spring already!). For some reason though, I’m kind of getting excited for the New Year. Time off of work has refreshed me—I’ve been able to rest, spend time with family and friends, have fun, nurture my creative side, get some things done around the house, and ORGANIZE AND PURGE! I’m kind of looking forward to taking down the Christmas decorations and doing a major clean. All of these feelings lead to excitement for a refreshing New Year with so many things to look forward to!

Last year, I discussed ways to make SMART goals to keep your resolutions. If you want to check that out as you make measurable, attainable, and realistic goals, click here (Side Note: This was my first blog post ever!). If you want to learn more about what I am striving for in 2019, keep on reading. :)


1) Continuing the Work on my Home and Finishing Some House Projects

I guess this ultimately is not a resolution but more of a GOAL for the upcoming year. It’s not really changing habits, but it’s something that I want to keep working on! I’m the type of person who loves lists and writing out goals, because it makes me feel as if I can stay on track and makes me feel as if I’m taking steps towards accomplishing my goal.

As you all know, I’ve continually been working on my house and fixing it up. I’m in the midst of fixing up the main floor of my house, and I cannot wait until it is complete! It will be such an accomplishment and something I’ve wanted to do since I moved in my house almost four years ago. I will continue to share my journey on Instagram and on the blog (since you know I DIY most of it) and hope to provide inspiration to others to DIY or make your house beautiful on a budget with some creativity, innovation, and sweat equity. :)


2. Continuing my Financial Journey

Last year, my resolution was to get in better financial shape by reviewing my balances daily, paying down bills, and saving money. This is continuing this year, and I’m already starting to make some nice headway on my goals for the year!

Throughout the year, I will be sharing tips and tricks on how I save money during shopping, my shopping habits, ways I earn extra money, and organizational habits for finance.

I’m no expert, but I have found that some of these tips and tricks have been helpful to me along the way. It may not be a miracle or the correct path for you, but some people, who are in similar situations, may also find these tips helpful!


3. Reading the Bible in a Year Challenge

For Christmas, I asked for a new Bible. As a result, I’m so excited and revived to read the Bible again! As a result, I felt this urge to read the Bible in a Year. I grew up in a Christian home, and my Christianity has always been at the root of who I am, but I have not always been great about reading my Bible. Even though I have read a lot of it through the years, I have never read the whole thing. I’m excited to be coming at this in a whole new perspective and desire.

I’m focusing on a blended plan, where there are around 3-4 chapters daily, from both the Old and New Testament. I think it is hard to read the Bible from cover to cover, so this plan allows a blended course of reading, while staying with some chronological readings and allowing ties between the Old and New Testaments.

If this is something that interests you, I have started weekly email reminders and a Facebook group for individuals who expressed interest in coming along on the reading journey! Please email me using the link on my blog or DM me on Instagram if you are interested in joining! You can either participate in the emails and/or the group (whatever you prefer). The group is closed but includes materials for reading, as well as opportunities for discussion with others.


4. Maintenance

I hope to continue to maintain my exercise and eating habits. This is something that I have been able to stick with for many years and believe it is pretty much a habit of mine! However, I believe maintenance goals are important too, so you do not lose sight of what you have accomplishedC.

I know this is often a popular goal for many, and I will also be sharing tips and tricks I have learned about eating healthy and staying active that have helped me! As I mentioned above, I realize that everyone’s body is different and what works for me may not work for others, but I think information is important to share!

As always, thank you for sticking with me and the blog throughout the year! I’m excited to go on the journey of 2019 with all of you!